active partition

英 [ˈæktɪv pɑːˈtɪʃn] 美 [ˈæktɪv pɑːrˈtɪʃn]

网络  活动分区; 引导分区; 激活分区; 活動分區; 启动分割区



  1. When it finds an active partition, it scans the remaining partitions in the table to ensure that they're all inactive.
  2. The destination system must have at least an equal amount of processors and memory available ( as dictated by the active partition profile) as the host mobile partition.
  3. When this is verified, the active partition's boot record is read from the device into RAM and executed.
  4. It does this by looking through the partition table for an active partition.
  5. The number of virtual processors, or a dedicated partition â™ s number of processors, can be seen in partition_active_processors.
  6. Afterwards, you can see in the lshwres command output that the active paging VIOS partition has changed to lpar_2_solchio06.
  7. Either loader is installed at the MBR or at the first sector of the active primary partition.
  8. You can set this variable to the maximum number of active or concurrent user databases for each Lotus Domino partition.
  9. The active paging VIOS partition of a running partition can be switched using the chhwres command as explained in Paging VIOS partition failover.
  10. Then a chhwres command is executed to switch the active paging VIOS partition.
  11. After the services are active ( running), the partition will be able to receive dynamic LPAR commands from the HMC.
  12. This command must be run while the defragmenter is active on a partition to show the defragment operation in progress.
  13. After POST, the loader from a ROM loads the boot sector, which then loads the operating system from the active partition.
  14. However, no matter how much we are divided into districts, either using a SCSI or IDE hard disk drives, hard drives must be the primary partition to set active partition, this is the only way through your system hard disk.
  15. Not allowed to delete the Active System partition on this disk.
  16. Mark the partition as active by entering a, and enter the partition number when prompted.
  17. Detected an active partition that was not the one from which this system was started.
  18. Scott Ambler suggested the importance of active stakeholder partition when he mentioned
  19. This method brings up concept of active object based on the space partition in virtual maintenance scenario and describes active object's inner status using Finite State Machine. Based on these the virtual maintenance process is described by a state transformation series.
  20. Besides, polarization characteristic depends closely upon the internal crystal defect and inhomogeneous crystallization for the active layer of laser as well as the partition ratio of injected carrier.
  21. Preliminary Analysis of the Active Ingredients of Partition Moxibustion by Pyrolysis Gas Chromatograph
  22. A method of extensively making use of spontaneous combustion gangue is introduced that is to use it as active mixture, coarse and fine aggregates to produce partition panel.
  23. Investigation into Independent and Active Partition for Hard Disk